Saturday, August 1, 2009

I'm hungry...

I really miss meat. But I'm supporting my kid. We are going to make our own pizza tonight. Yum.


Unknown said...

You're such a great Mom. You might try a few Quorn products. The Chik'n Patties & Nuggets are both pretty good. Also give Gardenburger brand veggie burgers a try. They are excellent. Put a little mayo, let, tom, and avocado on for extra flavor and it's wonderful. However, watch the soy intake .. reasearch is finding soy really isn't very good for you. Good luck!!

Teacher mom said...

Ok well I liked the veggie burgers but my girl would only take one bite!
It's funny about soy I used to eat so much edamame and all, but it stops the absorbtion of my thyroid medication, so I can't eat it too much. I try to eat it early in the day. Weird, because now there are so many conflicting reports about soy.